
Interesting Facts about different types of Dcon fences

1. Preparation

  • The boundary of the fence and the level of the bottom fence need to be set ( the level after bunting)
  • The pile driving point is set by the distance from each center of the fence posts that is 3.0 m ± 1 Centimeters.

2. Pile and Footing 

  • A rectangular hole is dug with the size of 35 × 70 cm. with the depth of deeper than the lever behind the pier 40 cm.
  • Customers hammer the center of the first hexagon pile, the size of 15 cm, or I15 pile, the length of 6 meters, from the distance of the boundary line approximately 15 cm by letting the head of the piles lower than the level behind the pier about 20 cm.
  • The second pile is perpendicular hammered to the boundary of the land with the distance from the first pile about 40 cm letting the head of both piles be in the same level.
  • Customers assemble a side model, reinforce a DB12 steel,  weave a sieve, then pour the concrete to the sufficient level to place the fence posts

3.Fence posts and the Footing installation 

  • After the hardening concrete one day, the fence posts are set up in the foundation formwork and done vertical  bracing.
  • The fence posts are brought in to alignment with the distance for covering concrete from the edge of the pillars about 3-5 cm.
  • DB12 steels are reinforced then gratings are woven. After that customers fasten around fence posts.
  • Customers pour concrete covering the fence posts equal to the level behind the bunting ( The next step the fence posts will be placed)
  • The fence posts are set 2.20 meter higher than the level behind the pier. ( customers can reduce the floating distance of the posts as they need)

4.Fence panel installation and the Lintel

  • After the concrete pier is strong,  the fence panels are able to carry into the groove of the posts one by one by having the thicker side inserted (6 cm. Side) below and placing into the groove between sheet to sheet.
  • After completing the panel insertion, customers can place the Lintel instead of the panel on the top sheet. The height of the fence including the Lintel will be 2.05 meters while the fence without Lintel will be 2.00 meters.
  • The fences are aligned to be close to the outer groove by using a wooden wedge into the post groove aiming to push the panel next to the outside groove.
  • Mortar is filled in order to decorate the grooves columns and the sides of the posts to be even on both sides of the fences.

5. The Final step

  • The adjustments are made to the soil level aiming to at least be equal to the back of the bunting.
  • The paint is applicable as needed using an exterior paint which is a weatherproof.

6. Additional suggestion

  • The  level behind the pier may be set to be slightly lower than the soil surface (5-10 cm.) in order to eliminate the gaps under fences and invisibilize the backside pier on the soil surface.
  • In case of specially strengthening, it is recommended to increase the beam adhering between piles along with the fence lengthwise,  extend the length of the pier to have a distance between the double piles not less than 15 cm., and use longer piles , depending on the nature of the soil or the different soil level.
  • In the last period, if the fences do not fit at the distance of 3 meters, customers can use the actual distance because the fence panels can be cut shorter.

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