Mr. Wittawat Pornkul (Center) , Managing director of Dcon Products Public Company Limited (DCON) which is a manufacturer of building materials and real estate development, arranged the DSC Grand Opening event to celebrate the opening of DSC Products Company Limited along with a tour of the Precast concrete factory. The company uses the newest technology”Vollert” from Germany used in the complete process from design, production, to installation. In the event, it was honored by Associate Professor Dr. Tortrakul Yomnak (3rd from right), Chairman of Dcon Products Public Company Limited, to be the president of the factory opening ceremony. Also, there were regular partners who had a long relationship with including Dr. Prateep Tangmatitham and Mr. Nuttaphong Kunakornwong cut the ribbon to open the factory together. Moreover, in this congratulation, Sena Development Public Company Limited, led by Prakit Akaraserenont, came to congratulate DSC Product Company Limited at the factory recently (Lamlukka Klong 12).